mandag den 17. marts 2014

So I made a drawing of CL c;

So to show her my support through out the time she is getting hated upon.
I chose to draw our queen, our leader our loved Lee Chae Rin, because no matter what the hating fans say, I'll still love her.

To me she is amazing, she is one of the four human beings that made me believe and made me realize that I don't need to be perfect to be the best.

CL or Lee Chae Rin is simply perfect, she's both adorable and hardcore, both stylish and yet still relaxed, she is just a human being like everyone of us.

The hate she is getting is honestly upsetting me, not only because I am a faithful fan of her and 2ne1 but also because she really does not deserve it since she haven't done what all the haters think.

I myself don't have a precise religion, don't hate me for that please, I just don't believe that there is a god up there that decides our faith and decides how our life is and how it ends and when. So of course I don't understand how all the fans which religion was apparently offended is feeling but as far as I am concerned even if the hate have died down a bit it still shouldn't even had happened.

I have been trying to make a point ever since I saw the first news about the hate on CL, the point in which I'll ask all the haters to just leave her alone, don't listen to the song then if you don't like it but don't hate CL for what choices she makes for her songs, don't ask her to take the song down, don't tell her to go to "hill", don't tell her to go and die and so on and so on. Just leave her and the song alone.

I am not trying to pick a fight with the haters, I am just defensing what I believe is the right side of the case. I've been called a cow by posting a support CL picture even when I said nothing personally offending to any of the haters.

I believe all of us "anti-haters" are thinking the same thing... "Please haters grow the fuck up and suck it!" it's really frustrating to me to see all the hate on an artist that just did what she loves and made MUSIC.

She looks at her fans like they are family, how would you feel dear hater... if your family turned their back on you just because you made one mistake? How would you feel if your family started to hate you just because they THOUGHT you had done something wrong?

I am just pointing out, by doing this long ass rant, that I still support CL, always will no matter what.

Call me all the ugly things you want, I am a Blackjack and I will protect my Queen when ever she needs it, rather take the hate out on me and be even the more silly than take it out on CL that haven't done anything wrong.

Okay... rant over.


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